Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 2014 Habits

Naughty Thyroid Youtube

This month i am away from "home" again and that means i do not have my trainer to push me physically.

I am trying the Paleo diet...it makes sense to me and basically works with the guidelines that i follow already.

So i could have joined a gym but i know that if i could self motivate then my P90 videos would work. The reality is that P90 is great for a few days to help me maintain but i do not push myself enough on my own so i cant count on myself if i want to get back on a weight loss schedule.

I am in a big city right now (Atlanta) so i went on Groupon and searched around for some classes that i have been interested in but could not find back home. Hot yoga, kickboxing, Aerial classes and ballet for adults!

I bought a package for hot yoga and kickboxing. I began yesterday and i have scheduled 2 classes per day (yoga and kickboxing) and i am optimistic that i will see some movement in the scales.

Chatting with someone after class today about weight loss i was reminded of how depressed and anti social i was a year ago. Group classes a year ago? No way! now i am almost hopping up and down looking for any class that might interest me.

earlier this month in addition to my trainer i began to take belly dancing classes. i am generally clumsy so zumba is not something i am yet willing to try but after all of the yoga and my new flexibility i wanted to see if i could at least follow along...and it has been great. i am not the best nor am i constantly unable to follow the moves. it is fun and a great reminder of how far i have come. 

14 month mark

It has been 14 months since i began my fight against the 100+ lbs ...

I reached -60lbs by december and then i went on a wonderful trip to Russia where i drank and i ate to my hearts content...for 3 months! I was working out about 2xs per week and regular walks daily. I gained 6lbs but that is a miracle considering how much alcohol i consumed (daily) and then during my first week back i gained 4lbs!
I was upset with myself initially but then i realized that i had given my body a chance to catch up and really adjust to -50lbs and that could only mean good things for my skin and letting my body adjust to a lighter me. It was also a good test of my new habits.
Every day i thoughts about exercising, even if i did not have time to exercise then i made sure i walked alot, i was mindful of my portions and not over indulging, especially on days that i did not exercise. My conclusion was that i had developed better habits but i was still not where i needed to be to continue to lose weight on my own or to maintain an ideal weight on my own.

and so i am at a halfway point...but the next 50 are not as impossible and the mountain in front of me does not seem as daunting as the one that was in front of me last spring.