Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 2014 Habits

Naughty Thyroid Youtube

This month i am away from "home" again and that means i do not have my trainer to push me physically.

I am trying the Paleo diet...it makes sense to me and basically works with the guidelines that i follow already.

So i could have joined a gym but i know that if i could self motivate then my P90 videos would work. The reality is that P90 is great for a few days to help me maintain but i do not push myself enough on my own so i cant count on myself if i want to get back on a weight loss schedule.

I am in a big city right now (Atlanta) so i went on Groupon and searched around for some classes that i have been interested in but could not find back home. Hot yoga, kickboxing, Aerial classes and ballet for adults!

I bought a package for hot yoga and kickboxing. I began yesterday and i have scheduled 2 classes per day (yoga and kickboxing) and i am optimistic that i will see some movement in the scales.

Chatting with someone after class today about weight loss i was reminded of how depressed and anti social i was a year ago. Group classes a year ago? No way! now i am almost hopping up and down looking for any class that might interest me.

earlier this month in addition to my trainer i began to take belly dancing classes. i am generally clumsy so zumba is not something i am yet willing to try but after all of the yoga and my new flexibility i wanted to see if i could at least follow along...and it has been great. i am not the best nor am i constantly unable to follow the moves. it is fun and a great reminder of how far i have come. 


  1. Have you ever had thyroid scan ?

  2. not that i am aware of. why do you ask? generally unless i am about to die i would not agree to what i deem unnecessary extra procedures exposing myself to more weird stuff happening to my body. Why? well with all of the research i have done there is a tiny percentage of hypo people who actually got their life back in order thanks to their doctor. i believe the answer is in my diet and exercise and i maintain hope that my thyroid will wake up again
