Friday, May 2, 2014

Favorite Brands and Products for Eating Thyroid Healthy and Losing Weight

Naughtythyroid Youtube channel

Just in case some of you are wondering what foods tickle my pickle. I love good food so i am sure most of you will enjoy these if you decide to ever try them or incorporate them into your pantries.

wasabi peas
gluten free pretzels
white chocolate raisins
TCBY kiddie cup of white chocolate mousse with a topping of cookie dough
Nabisco rice thins
Blue diamons nut thins
protein smoothie (vegan) warrior blend vanilla
peanut butter
goat cheese

organic cage free eggs omelets with veggies and cheese
atkins shake
tea (never sugar)
gluten free bread (whole foods has an amazing one) with organic unsalted butter
goat cheese, french cheese
v8 low sodium

Tuna mixed with veginaise
salad of greens with: (not all at once!)sliced almonds, goat cheese crumbles, salmon, tuna, sunflower oil cold pressed, fresh squeezed lime, peas, corn, flax seeds, walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, and fresh berries
atkins shake
protein shake with coconut milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract and berries
broth soup

Rare indulgences:
pork (i love pork but ill avoid carbs with it) with fried yuca
gluten free pasta with veggies (peas, corn, string beans, peppers) mixed with organic butter OR virgin olive oil and herbs (thyme, parsley, basil, garlic, and pepper)
gluten free pizza made at home with a topping of goat cheese or french cheese and chopped peppers, fresh basil and sliced tomatoes
gluten free blinis (crepes) with home made (meaning no additives and almost no sugar) jams of berries (my mom makes blueberries and raspberries)

Chips,et. al:

Pirates Booty
Veggie Stix
Sweet potato chips

* i go out of my way to make sure that i get a gluten free product. i also do not add salt to anything because usually i mix it with something (like cheese) and it probably already has salt. i am also avoiding Soy as much as possible.


  1. Have you noticed any changes in the size of your thyroid (goiter)?

  2. honestly, no. Thank goodness! prior to last year i saw an MD only when i was running out of refills so maybe 2xs per year. they always checked but honestly i saw them so infrequently that i cant blame them if they did not keep track. However last year when i began this process to lose weight (and because i needed a new MD to prescribe my meds) we picked a doctors office that specialized in internal medicine and weight loss (via HCG and other procedures). I saw a nurse weekly and the MD every other month. So i can honestly say that he kept tabs on it regularly and never made a comment to me.
